Aqua Azul UV disinfection is one of the world’s simplest and most practical means of destroying disease causing [Pathogenic] microorganisms in water. This is accomplished without the use of heat or harsh chemicals and without imparting any foreign taste, odor, corrosive, irritating, or allergenic properties to the water. Aqua Azul’s disinfection systems have proven effective in countless commercial, industrial, and domestic applications around the world.
Features & Options:
Custom design, easy maintenance, up to 12,000 hours lamp life. Energy efficient disinfection lamps: low pressure, medium pressure, high output, and amalgam. Standard or variable control power supplies including electronic ballasts. Electro polished 304 or 316 stainless steel reactor vessels with a 5 year warranty. UL listed electrical components with a 1 year warranty. Automatic timer controlled quartz sleeve cleaning system (or manual wiper system), UV intensity monitor, temperature sensors, lamp low intensity or end of life sensors, shut off solenoid valve, audible alarm, running time meter, time delay, flow control, sensor ports, standard or custom inlet/outlet flanges, and 254NM UV pure fused quartz lamps and sleeves.
We can also furnish and/or integrate your disinfection systems with programmable logic controllers (PLC), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), built to your specifications.
Aqua Azul offers a complete line of HIC (high intensity contact) disinfectants for small flow systems used in photography labs, hospitals, universities, bio companies, microelectronic companies, fiber manufacturers, and many more.
Our IVM vertical mount systems allow for the mounting of power enclosures remotely.