
JM Series
1. Water Recycling
2. Residential
3. Commercial Usage
- Water Bottling
- Coffee & Tea Shops
- Food & Beverage
- Brewing
- Wine & Spirits
4. On Site Wastewater Treatment:
- Parks & Recreation
- Schools And Institutions
- Travel Centers And Trailer Parks
5. Industrial Wastewater Treatment:
- Bio Science
- Cosmetic
- Micro Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Research & Development
6. Skid Systems
Product Description
Square Centimeter Of 2537-Angstrom
Wavelength (254 Manometers) Of Ultraviolet
Energy Across Fluid Medium For Positive 99.9%
Kill Of Contamination Microorganism. Low Power Consumption. Pressure Drop At Rated Flow Less Than 1 Psi. Design Pressure 150 Psi. Operating Pressure 125 Psi. Chamber Designed To Prevent Laminar Flow Of Water And To Maximize Turbulence And Microorganism Destruction. Each UV Lamp Is Protected In A High Transmission Pure Fused Quartz Sleeve For Peak Dosage.
Standard Features
1. S/S Reactor Vessel
2. Stainless Steel Cover
3. 254 NM UV Lamp
4. Pure Fused Quartz
5. Grounded Plug
6. Aluminum Compression Nuts (Quartz Nipple)
7. UL Components
8. Electro Polished
1. UV Intensity Monitor
2. Sanitary Connections
3. 316 Stainless Steel
4. Custom Design
5. High Temperature Design
6. Running Time Meter