Spare Parts Aqua Azul UV Disinfection
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Aqua Azul not only provides excellent systems that are plug and play and ready for use, we also specialize in spare parts not only for our own systems but also carry many hard to find items. Some of the spare parts that we carry are but are not limited to UV Lamps, Quartz Sleeves, Ballast, Power Supplies, Fittings, Filters, etc.

Ultraviolet Lamp


The Aqua Azul Corporation offer a wide range of U.V. lamps and ballast for various applications in waste water, industrial, and commercial applications. Our ultraviolet lamps internally generate both 254nm and 185nm wavelengths of U.V. light. A 254 NM lamp tube is constructed out of quartz material.

With a metal oxide, which absorbs 99.9% of the 185 NM wavelengths. However, if the lamp tube material is pure fused quartz containing no metal oxide, the lamp generates both wavelengths.

The total U.V. energy output of 185 NM (or TOC reduction) lamp consists of approximately 85% 254 NM U.V. energy, 7% 185 NM energy, and 8% other wavelengths, thus 185 NM lamp retains 254 NM microbiological destruction capacity.


For Replacement ULTRAVIOLET (UV) LAMPS call:

Phone: (559) 589-1430

Fax: (559) 589-1185


Quartz Sleeves


Aqua Azul offers a variety of quartz sleeves for waste water, commercial, and industrial applications. Our quartz sleeves are designed to fit Aqua Azul systems as well as various U.V. systems in the field. We offer open ended and closed ends quartz sleeves, as well as a variety of lengths for chambered and open channel systems.



For Replacement QUARTZ SLEEVES call:

Phone: (559) 589-1430

Fax: (559) 589-1185




Aqua Azul offers a variety of Ballasts for many applications such as Electronic or Magnetic or specific size or amperage. Our Ballast are designed to fit Aqua Azul systems as well as various U.V. systems in the field. We offer our own ballast, as well as some brand name ballast that we have worked with and stand behind.



For Replacement BALLASTS Call:

Phone: (559) 589-1430

Fax: (559) 589-1185



4 Stage UV & Filtration System
UV/Filtration Systems

Aqua Azul offers a variety of Filters for many applications such as Taste and Oder reduction, Pre and Post filters for UV/Reverse Osmosis systems or solids removal. Our Filters are designed to fit any of the standard filter housings in the market now.

We also offer our own membranes, as well as some brand name filters and membranes that we have worked with and stand behind. Let us know your application and we will have the proper filter or membrane.



For Replacement UV/Filtration System Call:

Phone: (559) 589-1430

Fax: (559) 589-1185




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