
AZ Series
Product Overview
Aqua Azul AZ Series packaged UV
treatment systems disinfect wastewater
flows ranging up to (5 MGD) 5 million
gallons per day.
The systems come standard with
electroplated stainless steel channels
with built-in level control weirs, remote
modified IP56 (NEMA 4X) stainless steel/
fiberglass enclosures with widow kits,
and removable waterproof modules.
UV Channel System
Channels can be fabricated in 304 or
316 stainless steel all with a
electro polished and passivated finish
for a better and longer lasting system.
1. Small / Med Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plants
2. Onsite Wastewater
3. Lagoons WWTP
4. Highway Rest Stops
5. Industrial Wastewater Plants
6. Parks and Recreational Areas
7. Private Developments
8. Schools and Institutions
9. Campgrounds and Trailer Parks
Standard Features
1. Stainless steel channel
2. Built-in level control weir with drain
3. Stainless steel weatherproof modules
4. Remote modified IP56 (NEMA 4X)
enclosures with window kits displaying
displaying lamp status and elapsed run time
Optional Features
1. Automatic air driven cleaning system
2. PLC Interface
3. UV intensity monitoring system
4. 4-20 mA output or dry contact alarms
5. HOA (hand-off-auto) switch
6. Transitions for flanged, piped or
threaded connections
7. Cleaning racks and/or dip tanks
8. Complete standby spare modules
9. Redundant banks
10. Bank-by-bank flow pacing.